Ice Therapy

Ice is what I typically recommend for Acute Home Spinal Care.
One thing I always say is “get adjusted but if you can’t, use ice.”

Here are some basic rules you should follow when applying ice therapy:

For acute injuries and swelling, typically within 24-72 hours, use ice therapy, Anti Inflammatory vitamins and topical creams only.

Apply the cream then the ice to the central point of pain for 15-20 minutes (NEVER EXCEED 20 MINUTES) at a time. You can use a cream on the skin to help decrease the swelling like Cryoderm (sold in the office).

Ice therapy is most commonly applied in the form of an ice pack covered by a dry or moist towel. If you do not have an ice pack, you may substitute a package of frozen vegetables or a frozen bag of un-popped popcorn but ice in a zip lock bag works well too just add a little water. This should be done every 2-3 hours and can be applied several times per day.

Ice therapy is good for controlling inflammation and swelling which is a major cause of acute pain. (If ice aggravates the condition, stop using immediately and call the office.)

We also recommend our natural Anti-Inflammatory, Turmeric and Pro-Omegas that we sell in the office to aide in the cellular level of removing swelling and toxins in the body.

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